Monday, January 31, 2011

Agency and Accountability

Day thirty-one

I am having one of those mornings where you really want to sleep in, but your body wakes up at 5am and won't go back to sleep!  So I got up and thought I would get an early start to my day.  My prayer this morning included gratitude for the day and the opportunity to be with my family, gratitude for the opportunity I have to serve others today, and a request for the Spirit to be with me in all my preparations, and the energy to get everything done.

Next I moved on to my scripture study: Article of Faith 2:

We believe that men will be punished for their owns sins, and not for Adam's transgression.

So what does it mean to be punished for your sins?
A few verses I found:

D&C 19:17-18 "But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;"  
"Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit"

D&C 19:20 "...lest you suffer these punishments of which I have spoken, of which in the smallest, yea, even in the least degree you have tasted at the time I withdrew my Spirit."

1 Nephi 10:21 "Wherefore, if ye have sought to do wickedly in the days of your probation, then ye are found unclean before the judgment-seat of God; and no unclean thing can dwell with God; wherefore, ye must be cast off forever."

Alma 40:13:  "...for behold, they chose evil works rather than good; therefore the spirit of the devil did enter into them, and take possession of their house—and these shall be cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and this because of their own iniquity, being led captive by the will of the devil."

The descriptions in these verses make it clear that punishment will not be a pleasant experience.  If we were to compare these things with the feelings of embarrassment, shame, and sorrow that we feel when we repent, I think I would rather take the repentance route.

What does it mean when it says punished "for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression"?

It means that like Adam and Eve we have been given agency 'to act for ourselves and not be acted upon' (2 Nephi 2:26).  We will be held accountable for how we choose to use our agency, just as Adam and Eve were held accountable and faced the consequence of being banished from the presence of God. 

There are some people in the world that believe that all mankind is held responsible for the original sin. We  understand that God is a God of justice and it would be unfair for all of humanity to suffer for Adam and Eve's transgression; hence the need for the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, which makes it possible for every soul to obtain forgiveness.

The gift of agency is eternal, with eternal consequences; not even the Lord will take your agency away.  Agency is a fundamental part of the plan of salvation. I appreciate this system of choices and consequences, both good and bad.  I have no one to blame for my actions but myself.

I appreciate the doctrine of this Article of Faith, in just a few words we are given insight into agency (choices and consequences), the Atonement (ability to be forgiven), and the nature of God (justice and mercy).  What a great blessing it is to have such amazing teachings at our fingertips!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Personal Nature of God

Day Thirty

This being the Sabbath Day my prayers were focused on remembering.  I prayed that I might remember my Father in Heaven and my Savior so the I might keep them in my heart today and have the Holy Ghost to be with me. I prayed that I might take the Sacrament with the full intent to renew my covenants and to make every effort to keep them in the coming week.  I thanked the Lord for the opportunity I would have to worship Him and grow closer to him.

I decided that I would study the Articles of Faith first.  I need to understand the doctrines in each article and how they apply to me personally. I need to know that I can replace We Believe with I Believe. I will begin with number 1:

We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

Joseph Smith once said "It is the first principle of the gospel to know for a certainty the character of God."

I love the fact that there are three separate divine beings in my life, it means that I have three sets of divine eyes watching out for me instead of just one!  The fact that the Father and the Son have glorified bodies of flesh and bone makes them that much closer to me.  It means that they have felt emotions, pains, sorrows and joys like I have. It gives me hope that I too can become like them.

I understand why it is difficult for some people to believe such a statement, they view it as a weakness if God had a physical body.  I believe it is a strength, it gives Him an understanding that could not be there if He hadn't experienced it for Himself. 

I know that there is doctrine in the world that flat out denies this belief.  After reading Joseph Smith's quote does it not make sense that if the Devil wanted to really mess things up that he would try and confuse men with false doctrine about the character and nature of God?

If we have a true understanding of God the Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, we realize who we are and what we can become.  Our relationship becomes personal and we desire to live our lives in such a way that we can return and be part of the Heavenly Family again. This weakens Satan's ability to influence us and we all know that he can't stand that.

It is my hope that I will always remember that I have a divine part of me and that I truly have a Father in Heaven who loves me and a loving brother who loved me enough to atone for my sins.  I am grateful to the Holy Ghost for the affirmation of these things in my life.

I think it is safe to say that I can replace the We Believe with I Believe in this case.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A New Appreciation

Day twenty-nine

It was so nice to sleep in this morning, no alarm yelling at me, and feeling like I had slept enough to recharge my battery.  My family had a great evening last night with a good dinner and a fun movie.  We needed it!  So this morning my prayers were filled with much gratitude, with a special thank you to the Lord for taking my burdens away for a little while. 

I have finished my study of the Doctrine and Covenants!  I read the two Official Declarations last night, which means I have read every verse on every page of the Doctrine and Covenants from beginning to end.  This was the first time I had every studied the whole book in order.  I have to say it was well worth it, I got more out of this study time than I ever have in the past.  To be honest, I had always found the Doctrine and Covenants to be a little dry, I now know that it wasn't the doctrine, but my attitude and study techniques that were the problem.

I love the last verse of the Declaration 2:

"We declare with soberness that the Lord has now made known his will for the blessings of all his children throughout the earth who will hearken to the voice of his authorized servants, and prepare themselves to receive every blessing of the gospel."

These were the keys to my studying of the Doctrine and Covenants:

"with soberness" - I approached my studies with a seriousness and reverence.  My studying had a purpose.

"hearken to the voice of his authorized servants" - I searched for the voice of the Lord in the words of the prophets.  I read each verse looking for what the Lord was trying to teach me through his prophets.

"prepare themselves to receive every blessing of the gospel" - It was the preparation that made the most difference.  Beginning my studies with the proper attitude, praying for the Spirit to be with me, researching the background of each section, listening for the Lord's voice, and keeping a scripture journal of my thoughts.

My testimony has grown immensely.  My love for the prophets and my appreciation for all the work they have done to restore the gospel has increased ten-fold.  My relationship with the Father and the Savior has been strengthened and my understanding of their will has increased.  My testimony of the truth of the gospel and the Church has been anchored in my soul.  What great blessings I have received!

I am really excited to see what the Lord has in store for my next topic of study the Pearl of Great Price and Old Testament.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Being Quickened

Day twenty-eight

It's Friday!!  It is a busy day, but it means that tomorrow my family will get to spend some time together and we get to sleep in!  I definitely need to recharge, it's been a rough week.  So in my prayers I thanked the Lord for the guidance He has given me this week, for the opportunities to serve the youth, and I asked that he might lift some of my burdens.

Today's scripture study is in Section 137-138.  What got me going today was found in 138:29:

"And as I wondered, my eyes were opened, and my understanding quickened..."

What does it mean to have your understanding quickened?

D&C 76:12 - "By the power of the Spirit our eyes were opened and our understandings were enlightened, so as to see and understand the things of God--"

The ability to see things through spiritual eyes to increase our understanding.  We have been taught that to really understand the scriptures and all it's doctrines and covenants we need to invite the Spirit to be with us.  If the origin of something is spiritual, then spiritual eyes are needed to understand it. 

After I typed that last line I had a thought, our origins are of a spiritual nature, I am a thing of God, so does that mean to really understand each other we need to look through spiritual eyes?  Absolutely! In order for us to connect spiritually we need divine help.  We cannot really know a person until we have looked at them the way the Lord does. 

What understanding could we gain if we took the time to see the spiritual side of someone? 

For me I think it would help me to be less judgmental, to be more patient, and more willing to forgive.  I also think that it would cause me to love a person more.  I think this is the kind of love that the Savior has commanded us to show to one another.  I think I would be less inclined to hurt their feelings and be more mindful of their needs.  I think I would understand their importance to the Father and the Savior and appreciate them more.

I really enjoyed my understanding being quickened today.  Sometimes I just need a different perspective, especially during the rough times and the Lord has blessed me with that today.  I am so grateful for His ability to see me through spiritual eyes and guide me through this life.  I hope that I can do the same for those that are in my life too!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Power of Words

Day twenty-seven

I had the opportunity to teach seminary this morning so my prayers were focused on the needs of the youth.  I think about all the challenges they are facing and all the choices they have to make and I know that they need to have the Spirit with them in order to survive.  So I prayed that they would have a desire to have the Spirit in their lives, that they might remember what the Spirit feels like, and that they might actively seek for it.

My scripture study was in Sections 134-136. 

I enjoyed reading Section 134 about governments, the words in this section are a great reminder of how precious our rights are.  You can't help but feel like you need and want to make sure that these rights are always respected.

Section 135 is about the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith.  There is a sadness in this section, but also a feeling of gratitude for the sacrifice that they made.  The words in this section really strengthen my testimony of the Prophet.

Section 136 is about organizing the Camp of Israel and the gospel standards expected of the Saints. It would be in verse 23 that I would find my topic for today.

136:23 "Cease to contend one with another; cease to speak evil one of another." 

This verse really got me thinking about the power of words.  The words in the previous sections had stirred up strong feelings for the good, but this verse reminded me that words can also stir up feelings of pain and hurt. The footnotes in this verse are really good:

Proverbs 17:14 "The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with."

2 Timothy 2:24 "And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,..."

3 Nephi 11:29 "For verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention, and he stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another"

D&C 20:54 "And see that there is no iniquity in the church, neither hardness with each other, neither lying, backbiting, nor evil speaking;"

This has obviously been a problem for a long time since it is referenced in all four books! It reminds me of a quote I once heard that stuck with me:

"A sharp tongue can cut your own throat." ~Unknown

 On the flip side:

Proverbs 12:25 "Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad."

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless" ~Mother Theresa

With such power within us, you would hope that we would always choose to use it for good, but we all have hurt others with our words, usually those closest to us.  So today I will be mindful of the words that I use.  I want to use my words to lift others and to leave them with a good impression of what Christ might have said. I am choosing to use the power of my words for good!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Works of Abraham

Day twenty-six

It seems that my family, and many of my friends, are facing some challenges that require some serious faith.  January has been a trying month and has been both spiritually and emotionally draining.  My prayers this morning included a plea to the Lord to strengthen my family and friend's faith, to give us opportunities to be spiritually fed that would help us with our challenges and to help us find the lessons to learn.

My scripture study would be in Sections 132-133 today.  Verse 32 in Section 132 would catch my eye.

132:32 - "Go ye, therefore, and do the works of Abraham; enter ye into my law and ye shall be saved."

What are the works of Abraham?  If you follow the footnotes it leads you to the Topical Guide heading Good Works.  I needed something more specific so I continued my search.  Romans Chapter 4 talks about Abraham so I started there.

Romans 4:3 "...Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness."

Romans 4:18 "Who against hope believed in hope..."

Romans 4:19  "And being not weak in faith..."

Romans 4:20 "He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God:"

Romans 4:21  "And being fully persuaded..."

These verses coupled with the stories in the Old Testament show us that Abraham received the covenants and commandments of God in faith and righteousness.  He is a great example of how to behave to receive exaltation.  I understand why the Lord would tell us do go and do the works of Abraham.

The Lord has once again given me an opportunity to see how the words in the scriptures apply to me personally and the situations I find myself in.  I need to be more like Abraham and trust in the Lord.  I am very grateful for a gentle reminder from a loving God! 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Never Enough Time

Day Twenty-five

My day was going to be busy today and time would be a factor.  I try not to worry too much about time limits, but there are days when I feel like I never have enough time to do everything that needs to get done.  I needed a good attitude about how I would spend my time today, so I prayed for the wisdom to use my time wisely and the comfort of knowing that it would all work out in the end.

The scriptures would prove to be a great source of information about time and help me put things in perspective.  I am in Sections 129-131.  I would find my interest peaked in a verse in Section 130 which deals with time.

130:4 - "In answer to the question—Is not the reckoning of God’s atime, angel’s time, prophet’s time, and man’s time, according to the planet on which they reside?"  

I would like to share a few things I learned about time:

God's time
2 Peter 3:8 - "...that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day"

Rev 12:12 - "...for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."

This is interesting to me that in 2 Peter a day is 1,000 years which seems like a lot of time in man's time, but to Satan this seems but a short time.  It seems there is a lesson on perspective here.

Man's time
Man has decided that one day should equal 24 hours.  I followed a footnote which led me to interesting words regarding man's time in Alma 40:8: 

"Now whether there is more than one time appointed for men to rise it mattereth not; for all do not die at once, and this mattereth not; all is as one day with God, and time only is measured unto men."

This made me think, maybe it's not the amount of time, but how you use it that really counts.  So how am I supposed to use my time?  Here are just a few things I found:

D&C 26:1 "...let your time be devoted to the studying of the scriptures, and to preaching..."

D&C 60:13 "Thou shalt not idle away thy time, neither shalt thou bury thy talent that it may not be known."

D&C 93  Tells us we should spend time with our families, praying (v 49), teaching (v 40), putting our house in order (v 43), keeping the commandments (v 44, 47), and repenting and sacrificing (v 48). 

And this is just a short list! How would I find time to do all the things required of me?

The last scripture I read really summed up what I had learned from this study session: 

Ecclesiastes 8:5  Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgment.

Discerning time.  What is the wise way to discern time?
My aha moment:  The way to judge my use of time should be based on how much effort I spend on the Lord's work each day.  Am I focusing on the things of of the world more than I am working on getting back to my Father in Heaven?  Which is the wiser use of time?

I have a new perspective on my use of time and how to prioritize better.  The things of the Lord should come first and the rest will follow.  If I do this, then there will always be the right amount of time! It seems so simple, why did it take me so long to figure it out?  

Monday, January 24, 2011

It's all in the Attitude

Day twenty-four

I am a little tired this morning, I had one of those late-night, deep conversations with my boys last night.  I love those moments and cherish them, because I know that soon they will leave and so will those opportunities to stay up and talk.  I am so grateful for the relationship I have with them and for the fact that they still desire to spend time with me. 

My prayer was filled with gratitude for those special moments and also a plea that the Lord would bless them and let them know that He loves them.  And as they face the trials and decisions that are a part of their lives, that they might seek the Spirit for guidance and have the courage and wisdom to follow it.

In the scriptures I chose to study Sections 125-128.  It would be in Section 127 verse 2 that my mind started pondering.

127:2 - "And as for the perils which I am called to pass through, they seem but a small thing to me, as the envy and wrath of man have been my common lot all the days of my life; and for what cause it seems mysterious, unless I was ordained from before the foundation of the world for some good end, or bad, as you may choose to call it. Judge ye for yourselves. God knoweth all these things, whether it be good or bad. But nevertheless, deep water is what I am wont to swim in. It all has become a second nature to me; and I feel, like Paul, to glory in tribulation; for to this day has the God of my fathers delivered me out of them all, and will deliver me from henceforth; for behold, and lo, I shall triumph over all my enemies, for the Lord God hath spoken it."

As I read that verse I began thinking to myself, What is my attitude towards the trials in my life? Do I look at my trials as small things or blow them into something bigger than they are? My attitude  is not always what it should be, but it is getting better. There are two quotes that come to mind when I think about my trials.  They help me keep my attitude in check.

Positive thinking won't let you do anything, but it will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.~Zig Ziglar

In the long run, the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip!~Daniel L. Reardon

It appears that the Prophet agrees. In Doctrine and Covenants 128:22 he says, "Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth into singing..."

These are definitely the words of an optimist, filled with encouragement, during a very trying time.  I would like to follow that example and check my attitude today.  I resolve to keep a good attitude no matter what comes my way and to help others do the same!  Besides, who doesn't want to have a better time on this trip!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Lesson About Blessings

Day twenty-three

I am thankful for the Sabbath day and the opportunity to take the sacrament.  It is important to me to start my week remembering the Savior and getting my priorities in order.  So my prayers this morning were focused on gratitude for the Savior and a request to help me recognize the things that will be important this week.

My scripture study took me to Section 124.  This section includes verses directed to John C Bennett (v16-17).  This name sounded familiar, it turns out that John C. Bennett would become an enemy of the Church at a later time.  I started to wonder why the Lord would choose John C. Bennett to be a trusted assistant of Joseph.  I learned a good lesson from this:

Part 1: The Lord does not withhold present blessings because of future sinful behavior.

At the time of the revelation he was a good man and was entitled to the blessings.

Part 2:   As long as one obeys, the blessings come.

Bennett would give in to adulterous thoughts and therefore would later be excommunicated, losing his right to the blessings. 

Part 3:  The Lord always warns us.

The Lord had even warned Bennett in these verses with 'if' statements:
v16 "and his reward shall not fail if he receive counsel."
v 17 "And for his love he shall be great, for he shall be mine if he do this..."
        "I have seen the work which he hath done, which I accept if he continue..."

I am touched by the love the Lord shows in this story.  He believes in us, in what we can be, not just what we are now.  He is always hoping that we will do the right thing and blesses us when we do.  He knows that we are not perfect and provides us with warnings and direction to help us.  He always allows us to use our agency and makes sure that the consequences are laid out before us.  I cannot think of a more perfect system. 

I think I need to go back and look at the 'if's' in my life and make sure I have my priorities in line.  I can use all the blessings He is willing to give me!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Satan's Pattern

Day Twenty-two

Today I am hoping to spend some quality time with my family.  We will work together to finish up the chores, do some service, and make some time for fun.  So my prayers this morning are focused on strengthening my family.  I pray for protection, a good Spirit in our home, and opportunities to teach and learn from each other.

My scripture study is in Sections 122 and 123.  These sections are still part of the letters the Prophet wrote from Liberty Jail.  So I knew I would find some good stuff.

Section 122 has some good information about why there is suffering?  I love the end of verse 7, "...know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good."  There is some good self-talk phrases in there, "This is for my own good!" or "Think of the experience!"

As always the Lord lets us know that we don't have to go through it alone:
v 4 - "...and thy God shall stand by thee forever and ever."
v 9 - "...therefore, fear not what man can do, for God shall be with you forever and ever."

But it was a verse in Section 123 that really got me thinking this morning:

123:7 - "...under the most damning hand of murder, tyranny, and oppression, supported and urged on and upheld by the influence of that spirit which hath so strongly riveted the creeds of the fathers, who have inherited lies, upon the hearts of the children, and filled the world with confusion, and has been growing stronger and stronger..."

Just as the Lord reveals to us his patterns, here he is revealing to us Satan's pattern: Influence the hearts of the children.  Plant the seeds in the young, the rising generation, and bring a kingdom down.

I found it interesting that in Section 122 he talks about how our trials give us experiences that are for our own good, and in the next section we see that these same experiences, if not recognized for their good, can be, through the craftiness of men, used to influence us in a negative way.  I can see this pattern throughout all the scriptures and dispensations.  Satan uses it because it works!

The Lord uses the phrase "it is an imperative duty" when talking about how to fight Satan's pattern.  I feel a sense of urgency in His message. Thinking of the condition of our world today and the influences the youth are bombarded with, I would agree there is no time to waste.

What is our duty?  He makes it clear in verse 17: "...let us cheerfully do all things in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed."

Satan has a strong hold on the world, his influence is found everywhere, but the situation is not hopeless.  Knowing what Satan's pattern is gives us the opportunity to fight back.  So here is to carrying on the fight!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Having a Constant Companion

Day twenty-one

I have to admit I was really looking forward to my scripture study today.  I would be studying one of my favorite sections of the Doctrine and Covenants, Section 121.  I have read the words in this section many times, but I can't remember a time when I really studied it from the first verse to the last.  I was excited to find out what the Lord would teach me today.

My morning prayer was focused on preparing to be taught, letting the Spirit guide me, and applying what I would learn. 

There are many lessons to be learned in this section, too many for me to talk about in this blog.  I would like to share some thoughts on verse 26.

"God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost..."

Have you ever been around someone that just beams with the Spirit?  There is something about them that makes you feel at peace and comfortable.  You feel that you can trust them and you find yourself seeking their advice.  These are the few that seem to have the blessing found in verse 46, "The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion..."

I have always wanted to be that type of person.  These are the people who follow "the virtue of persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; by kindness, and pure knowledge,...without hypocrisy, and without guile."

We are told that to become this person we must endure well and valiantly in this life.  This is the part that slows me down.  Endure means to suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently.  How long a time period has to go by before you reach the "endure" state?  Does anybody know?  My guess is it's a lifetime.

So my quest to be the person that has the Holy Ghost as a constant companion goes on.  The Lord has given me the direction, it is up to me to use it wisely.  Maybe the fact that I recognize these things means I'm one step closer to my goal!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Weighty Matters

Day twenty

I am feeling very blessed this week.  The Lord is actively participating in my life and I am recognizing His hand in my daily activities. Even the things that might be deemed as insignificant to others have special meaning to me, like walking to get the mail with my sons.  We have some great, short-but-sweet, meaningful conversations during the mile and a half walk.  So my prayer this morning was again filled with gratitude, reflecting my desire to let the Lord know how much I love Him.

Again I approached my scripture study with no real plan, just wanting to learn and let the Lord guide the direction.  I read through Sections 113-120 marking those verses that I found interesting and writing my notes in the margins.  There was one verse in Section 117 that I felt I needed to investigate more.

117:8 - "Is there not room enough on the mountains of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and on the plains of Olaha Shinehah, or the land where Adam dwelt, that you should covet that which is but the drop, and neglect the more weighty matters?"
I went straight to the meaty part, "that you should covet that which is but the drop, and neglect the more weighty matters?"

I understood the 'covet that which is but the drop' part: Focusing on just a tiny part of the whole picture.  I wanted to know more about the weighty matters.  What are the weighty matters of our time?

In my search I came across a quote from Eliza R. Snow:  "As the Saints drank in the love and spirit of the world, the Spirit of the Lord withdrew from their hearts, and they were filled with pride and hatred toward those who maintained their integrity." 

This quote was written about the 1830's, yet it could have been written for our time!  It is sad that we are in the year 2011 and we find ourselves in the same condition.

Dallin H. Oaks gave a talk titled "Weightier Matters" which was published in the Jan 2001, Ensign.  He states, "The weightier matters that move us toward our goal of eternal life are love of God, obedience to His commandments, and unity in accomplishing the work of His Church."

Elder John B. Dickson writes, "Our children must be taught that the "more weighty matters" help them qualify for and ultimately enjoy eternal blessings."  He then lists the following items: the gospel of Jesus Christ, His Atonement, the family, the priesthood, Christlike attributes, knowledge, and the gospel ordinances and covenants.

It becomes obvious that the battle is worldly - vs - weighty matters (those things that build up the Kingdom of God).  So, how do we stay focused on the the weighty matters?

I think Jacob says it best. 
Jacob 2:17-19, "Think of your brethren like unto yourselves, and be familiar with all and free with your substance, that they may be rich like unto you."
   "But before ye seek riches, seek ye for the Kingdom of God."
   "And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good -- to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and afflicted."

I can't top that, so I will just end with an Amen!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wise as a Serpent

Day nineteen

Today looked to be one of those days that I truly enjoy; where you are busy, but not crazy busy, and there are time slots in your day to sit back and relax.  I was looking forward to today with a heart filled with gratitude that the Lord knows me well enough to know when I need a break.  So my prayer this morning was filled with more gratitude than requests.  It was a simple prayer filled with great love for my Father in Heaven and my Savior.

I moved on to my scripture study not really searching for anything in particular, just wanting to be filled.  It turned out to be a very interesting experience.

I began in Section 111.  This section is only 11 verses long, but the lessons found in this section are powerful. 

The words in verse 11 really stood out to me:  " ye wise as serpents and yet without sin..."  What does it mean to be wise as a serpent?

In a New Era article written by David E Edwards he gives this definition:  "We should be innocent but not naive; we should understand the ways of the world without being worldly."

Okay, but HOW do you do that?

I went back and read all the verses again.  I noticed a pattern, the Lord makes a lot of 'I' statements: I have (v 2); I will gather (v2); I will give (v 4, 5); I will deal mercifully (v 6); I will order (v 11).

I began to think, what should my 'I' statement be?  This is what I came up with:  I will seek the Lord's wisdom in all things and follow His guidance.  This seems the safest bet to be in the world, but not of it. 

I moved on to Section 112.  As I read verse 23 it brought me to the 'darkness' in the world.  It states:  "Verily, verily, I say unto you, darkenss coverth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people, and all flesh has become corrupt before my face."  Yikes!

How do I fight the darkness?  My previous 'I' statement would work, but was there more I could learn?  I went back and reread the section.  Here is what I found:

v 2 - What are the things in my heart?
v 3 - humble myself
v 4 - let thy heart be of good cheer
v 5 - listen to the warning voice
v 7 - jump in and do the Lord's work
v 10 - be humble and let the Lord lead me
v 11 - pray and love others as I love myself
v 14 - jump in and work, bear my cross, follow the Lord, and teach others.
v 15 - keep my ego in check
v 22 - be humble, live the scriptures, listen to the Spirit
v 28 - purify my heart
v 33 - understand who you are
v 34 - be faithful

There is a lot of repetition in these verses, which usually means the Lord is trying to make a point.  What point is He trying to make?  That I really need to have a knowledge of these things.  These are the things that should be in my heart.

My son once said to me,"People don't seem to understand that the darkness is real."  I think that is a 'wise as a serpent' statement.  How grateful I am that my son recognizes that the darkness is real, because I think we all find ourselves in the darkness sometimes and need to find our way out.  If we know what it is, then we can figure out how to fight back.  The Lord gives us great wisdom in Sections 111-112 to fight back.  If only the world would listen!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Building a Home

Day eighteen

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity for me and my family and it shows.  There is still residue from projects laying around, the house is not "mom" clean, and there is a sense of longing to sit together and spend some quality time with each other.  I have to say, I have been feeling a little guilty about the lack of quality time, both as a mom and a wife.  So today my prayers were focused on my family and home.

First, I thanked the Lord for all the opportunities He gives us to serve and for all the blessings that come with the service.  I thanked Him for the support that my family gives each other and our desire to help each other grow.  Then, I asked the Lord to bless my family with more opportunities to serve and that we might love those that we serve.  On a personal note, I asked Him to help me be a better mother and wife and to help me create a home that is filled with the Spirit.

My scripture study is in Section 109 today.  This section is the dedicatory prayer given for the Kirtland Temple.  I find it interesting that the day that I am praying for my home, I find myself studying the prayer given for the Lord's house.  This could mean a great study session or a guilt-ridden session, I was hoping for the first!

It turned out to be a great study session.  Some things I learned about building a better home:

v 4- invite the Lord to be the center of my home
v 5-building a better home will take sacrifice
v 7-14- my home should be a place of learning, a place where people feel the Lord's power,  a place where we can learn wisdom out of the best books (I really liked this one because we love our books!)
v 15-19 - my home should be organized (I better get to cleaning) and prepared for every needful thing (food storage), a house of prayer, fasting, faith, and glory to God.
v 20-21- keep the unclean things out of my house (anything that would remove the ability for the Spirit to be here)
v 22- a home where people leave feeling armed with God's power, a place where angels have charge over them. (It has always been my hope that those that visit my home feel better when they leave than they did when they arrived.  And I would love for my family to feel like the angels have charge over them, who wouldn't?)
v 23- a place of knowledge (Specifically a knowledge of the true things in this world, maybe the gift of discernment)
v 24-28- a place of protection and deliverance (A safe haven from the outside world, we need more homes like this in the world!)
v 34- a place of forgiveness (Trying to work out our issues instead of letting them take over. Then help each other progress by forgiving each other and moving forward.  No holding grudges!))
v 35- a place where spiritual gifts can be given (I think all homes are filled with individuals with unique spiritual gifts, but we aren't always looking for them in each other.  How would we treat each other if we focused on helping each other gain and hone our spiritual gifts?)
v 38- a place to build testimonies (and I would like to add sharing testimonies)
v 39- a place of peace (oh to have a Zen-like peace in my home.  I have hope for this one.) 
v 44- a place filled with grace (Something everyone could use each day)
v 45-49- a place to be delivered from the calamity of the wicked, a place of mercy (Wouldn't it be great to feel like your home was safe from those things that lead to wickedness and destruction? This is a hard one because the adversary is attacking non-stop.  Vigilance is required.) 
v 54-67- a place where prayers for the all the nations of the world are given, a place of great love, and a place to rejoice (We often pray for those suffering around the world, but not necessarily for the leaders of these countries.  This is a great thought, I am going to start adding this to my prayers.  As for the great love, I tell my family everyday that I love them and I give them hugs too, especially before we go to bed.  Over the years we have struggled with the rejoicing part.  We are not always as enthusiastic as we should be when things aren't going according to our plan, but as with everything else we continue to work on it together.)

The Lord has given me a great outline of the things I should be working on as a mother and wife. What a great goal to have, to create a home where the Lord would feel comfortable visiting!  I am off to start working on the organizing part (which is greatly needed) with an attitude of gratitude.  You know you have been spiritually fed when you have a good attitude about cleaning!  What a great teacher the Lord is!    


Monday, January 17, 2011

Good Conversations

Day seventeen

I woke up this morning feeling pretty good.  I had a really good time hanging with the youth and their families last night and was still feeling the affects of what I call a Spiritual Buzz.  I wish I had more Spiritual Buzz moments, it's like this incredible amount of energy running through my body.  (Note to self: find ways to have more Spiritual Buzz moments)

My prayers this morning were filled with gratitude and a desire to continue making a difference.  I have some  meetings today that could have some impact on my life and the lives of others, including some that I will never meet.  I prayed that I might know the words to say that would lead to the best outcome for everyone involved.  The type of words that would make the most difference.

I was hoping to find some inspiration in the scriptures to help me understand what type of words would make the most difference.  My search began in Section 107.  This section is filled with information about the different quorums in the priesthood and their duties.  I figure if it is counsel to the brethren with the priesthood, it is important, and is applicable to me too!

v 4 "But out of respect or reverence to the name of the Supreme Being, to avoid the too frequent repetition of his name, they, the church, in ancient day, called that priesthood after Melchizedek..." (My take: Use words that would show respect or reverence to the Lord and the person I was dealing with.)

v 30 "The decisions ...are to be made in all righteousness, in holiness, and lowliness of heart, meekness and long suffering, and in faith, and virtue, and knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity" (My take: Before I respond, think things through, are my words going to reflect all these things listed.  If not, then I might need to rethink them.) Notice the word patience in this verse, I think He is trying to tell me something.

Section 108
 v 7 "Therefore, strengthen your brethren in all your conversation, in all your prayers, in all your exhortations, and in all your doing."

Okay this verse is so perfect for my day today it is a little eerie! So I wanted to know more about the word strengthen and I followed the footnote to Luke 22:32 which led me to another footnote which read: Fellowshipping; Missionary work; Sustaining Church Leaders.  So in my conversations today it is my job to let people know I care about them (Fellowshipping), help them get closer to God (Missionary Work), and to make sure that what I say is in agreement with church leaders (Sustaining Church Leaders). 

I love that this verse goes on to explain what a conversation might be; prayer, exhortations, and doing. 

So am I strengthening my brethren in my prayers?  I hope so.  The majority of the time I pray is spent on the concern I have for others.  I'm sure I can improve on this, but I feel like I'm on the right path.

Am I strengthening my brethren in my exhortations?  Before I answer this let's define exhortations.  I went to the index: Entreat; Persuade; Preach; Urge; Warn.  I don't know if I always think about strengthening people when I am entreating them, persuading them, preaching to them, urging them, or warning them.  I know I shouldn't be doing it if that's not my purpose.  But while I'm doing the exhorting am I thinking about strengthening them, I never really thought about it.  This was good stuff, it gave me an opportunity to stop and really think about things.  The word persuade stood out to me.  If I am going to persuade others today I better know what I'm talking about and know the source of my desire to persuade them.  If my desire is not righteous then the source is not good.  I would need to pay more attention to that today.

Am I strengthening my brethren in all my doing?  To honestly answer this I would have to say sometimes.  I am guilty of doing things for selfish reasons. I can say that I find myself less inclined in that direction as I learn more, so I'm going to say this area is a work in progress.

My goal is to have good conversations today.  Conversations that are thought out and are beneficial to everyone involved.  Conversations I wouldn't mind the Lord eavesdropping on.  I think that last statement is my key phrase for self-talk to keep me on the right track! Conversations that make a difference. To top it all off, I really hope for some meaningful conversations with the Lord too!  Here's to hoping that all our conversations will be good today!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Making a Difference

Day sixteen

I woke up this morning thinking, what difference can I make today?  This morning I have the opportunity to attend church and later this evening to have some fun with the youth, this should provide plenty of opportunities to make a difference.

Now, I have learned a thing or two this week, so I decided to use the Reveal-Prepare-Practice pattern to help me find the opportunities. 

Reveal: I needed to ask the Lord to guide me throughout the day with the ability to recognize the moments.

Prepare:  To have the wisdom to know what to do.

Practice:  To have the courage to follow through.  (Still working on the Fear Not goal!)

As I said my prayers this morning I found myself asking for these blessings, but also asking that I might be a good example to those around me so that I might be able to help them see how much God loves them.  I'm not sure where that came from.  I asked myself, "Was it the Spirit giving me a prompting so quickly?" I would soon find out!

My scripture study was in Sections 104-106.  There was lots of good stuff in these sections, but a single verse in Section 106 would occupy my thoughts for most of the study time. 

106:5 "Therefore, gird up your loins, that you may be the children of light, and that day shall not overtake you as a thief." 

This is the message I got from this verse: 

gird up your loins - Be prepared to jump in and do My work today.

that you may be the children of light - What I do today should reflect what is in my heart: a great love for my Savior and my Father in Heaven, and my love for those around me.  My actions should help those around me see that I am a child of light and that they also are children of light.

and the day shall not overtake you as a thief -  If I do these things then my day will seem to have worth and I will not look back and wonder, "Where did my day go?" and "Did I make a difference today?"

What a great message to receive at the beginning of the day and especially the Sabbath! Today I want to focus on helping others feel God's love and to help them recognize they are children of light.  I know that for me the knowledge of a loving God makes a difference in my life each day.  It affects the way I see myself and others.  It gives me hope when I am feeling hopeless.  It helps me keep things in perspective when I am losing it. I can't think of a greater gift to give someone! 

I am hopeful that I can make a difference today.  I am grateful to the Lord for reminding me of the importance of feeling His love and sharing that knowledge with others. I hope I get the opportunity to make a difference in your life too!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Testing the Plan

Day fifteen

I had put my plan into action on Friday and it turned out well.  I was more aware of what I was feeling and made an effort to control my reactions with others.  Okay, it helped that I planned all my errands when I knew that there wouldn't be lots of people or lines, but I still counted it as a success!  The only time I really found it hard to control my patience was with a copy machine! (Anyone whose been there totally understands.) 

As for the Fear Not part, I didn't really experience any instances where I felt afraid to do what was right.  I was very blessed to interact with positive people who seemed to be comfortable letting me be my self.

I felt like I needed to keep working on these two areas so I decided to focus on them for the whole weekend.  This would be a better test of my plan since I knew I would be very busy this weekend.  Saturday I would be at a Seminary in-service meeting from 9am - 3pm and Sunday I would have church services and my big seminary activity night.  There would be no escaping people and situations!

My prayers reflected my desire to work on these areas and to look to the Lord for guidance.  I specifically asked that I would be mindful of the promptings of the Spirit in my interactions and that I would have the courage to act upon them.

My scripture study took me to Sections 102 and 103.  I felt like Section 103 was a another witness to the principles I had found in previous sections regarding overcoming persecution.  It included such lessons as:

v 7 "...hearkening to observe all the words which I, the Lord their God, shall speak to them..."

v 8 "...keep my commandments"

v 10 was very interesting to me: "And inasmuch as they are not the saviors of men, they are as salt that hast lost its savor, and is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men."  Do you know how salt looses it's savor?  By becoming contaminated and impure.  I think this is true for men too.  It matters what we let in to our minds and bodies.

v 31 "...ask and ye shall receive"

v 35 "...pray earnestly..."

v 36 (my personal favorite of this section) - "All victory and glory is brought to pass unto you through your diligence, faithfulness, and prayers of faith." 

Was I being diligent?  I would like to say yes, but I don't think that one good day could be called diligent.  Time will tell.

Was I showing my faithfulness?  I think so.  I showed faith in seeking His advice and guidance, and now I would show faith by adhering to the plan.

Was I praying in faith?  I haven't always prayed in faith, that requires praying with the belief that you will receive an answer, I have doubted before.  But lately, I have been blessed to see the Lord answering my prayers in a bold way.  Recognizing His hand in finding my answers has allowed my to pray with confidence that he will continue to answer my prayers.

With this knowledge in hand, I set off to conquer my weaknesses.  I actually thought it would be easier today than it was yesterday.  I was wrong.  I found myself surrounded by other church members and I was more impatient with them than I would have been with non-members.  I think it's because I expected a certain behavior from them and when they fell short I was disappointed.  I'm not sure that is fair to them. I imagine this is how the Lord feels when I don't behave the way I know I should: disappointed.  Don't get me wrong, most of the people I interacted with were wonderful and I really enjoyed being with them.  I think because I was focusing on being more patient I was more aware of my feelings than I normally would have been.  It was a good learning experience for me and very humbling.

The good news is I was able to conquer a few "fear" moments today.  I didn't listen to the voice that told me what I had to say wasn't important or that I might look stupid for saying something.  I spoke up anyways.  Score one for me!

It's obvious that I need to be diligent in working on these weaknesses.  It's a good thing I still have tomorrow and I still have a plan!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Making a Plan

Day fourteen

After my scripture study yesterday and the creation of my list of weaknesses, finding something to pray about this morning was not hard.  I had decided that I would choose a few items from the list to focus on each day.  So I asked the Lord to help me choose two areas I needed to work on and to help me create a plan to improve in those areas. I figured He knows me better than I know myself, so He would be the best person to ask, He would know what areas I would be most prepared to work on and succeed at.

I went to Section 101 for my scripture study today to look for inspiration about making a plan.  There was plenty to learn! A little background to this section is helpful.  This revelation is coming at a time when the Saints in Missouri have been run out of Independence and are across the river in Clay County.  They are wondering why the persecution is happening and what they are supposed to do next.    

In verse 2 the Lord explains: "I, the Lord, have suffered the affliction to come upon consequence of their transgressions."

v 4 "Therefore, they must needs be chastened and tried..."

v 5 "For all those who will not endure chastening, but deny me, cannot be sanctified."

How many of us bring afflictions upon ourselves?  I know I am guilty of that.

How many of us understand the thought that we need to be chastened and tried to help us overcome our transgressions?  I can't say that I fully understand this concept of needing to be chastened and tried, it's more like I accept it, and maybe even reluctantly at that!

How many of us are look forward to the chance to endure chastening?  Honestly, the enduring part is hard, I prefer the rejoicing part after I have endured.

Step One of the plan:  Have the proper attitude about working on my weaknesses.

v 3 "Yet I will own them, and they shall be mine in that day when I shall come to make up my jewels."

Step Two:  Remember He still loves me, even with my weaknesses and that everything He does is to help me become His 'jewel'.

v 6 This verse lists some of the transgressions of the Saints: jarrings, contentions, envyings, strifes, and lustful and covetous desires.

You would think that the transgressions would have been what we deem 'serious sins' for the amount of persecution the Saints went through.  It was the sins we think of as 'less serious' that led them to the condition they were in.

Step Three:  Recognize the importance of overcoming even my 'less serious' weaknesses.

v 16 " still and know that I am God."

Step Four:  Really pay attention to what I am learning and remember where it comes from.

v 36 "...fear not even unto death; for in this world your joy is not full, but in me your joy is full."

Step Five:  First area to work on, Fear Not.  To help me with this I would need to keep the proper perspective on where to find my joy.  Plan:  Whenever I am feeling fearful I will say to myself "Find the joy, find the joy"!  I really like positive self-talk.  One down!

v 38 " the face of the Lord always, that in patience ye may possess your souls..."

Step Six:  Second area to work on, Patience.  To help me with this I would need to seek the face of the Lord always.  Plan:  When I am feeling impatient I will say to myself," Where is the Lord in this situation?  What would He do?"  Two down!!

I have a plan!  Thankfully, it was created with some divine inspiration so I know that I'm on the right track.  Now it was time to put it into play and see what changes it would bring.  Today is Friday and that means lots of errands which would include driving, shopping, waiting in line, dealing with people, and the list goes on and on... This would be a good test for my plan!  I will have to share my experiences in another post.  Wish me luck and lots of prayers!


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Be Careful What You Ask For

Day thirteen

Last night, as I was reflecting on the events of the day, and thinking about what was to come tomorrow, I started to think about what I might pray for in my morning prayers.  I don't think I always put enough thought into what to pray for.  I came up with a few suggestions and then went to bed.

When I woke up this morning I was feeling good about the forethought I had put into what I would pray for and so I knelt and asked the Lord for the following blessings:  Please let me be more Christlike in my behavior with all those that I come in contact with.  Please give me the opportunity to use my strengths for good, and please help me to recognize my weaknesses.  That's right, I wanted to recognize my weaknesses!  What was I thinking? I imagine every one who reads this post thinking to themselves, "Is she CRAZY?"

After the words came out of my mouth, I knew that I better be prepared for what was to come.  I am not always so happy about having my weaknesses pointed out and here I was asking the Lord to do it.  This would take an attitude change on my part: Don't be offended by someone pointing out your faults!

So nervously I began my scripture study in Section 98-100. The Lord wasted no time, he got right to the point with the very first verse in Section 98.  The First verse! This did not bode well for me.  The old adage, 'be careful what you ask for' popped into my head.  I had asked for it and apparently He was happy to oblige.

In the first three verses there was plenty to work on: 
- fear not (I don't know how many times I've wanted to kick myself in the behind because I didn't do  something out of fear)
- let your heart be comforted (I'm pretty sure this means in ALL things)
- rejoice evermore (Again, in ALL things, even afflictions)
- in everything give thanks (Even during the hard times)
- wait patiently (Anyone who knows me can tell you I'm not a patient person)
- know your prayers have been heard (He's been teaching me a lot about this lately)
- and my personal favorite, understand that all things you have been afflicted with are for you good (ugh, I always need to look on the bright side)

Wait, was that a little attitude in those comments?  This was going to be hard!  And it did get harder, Section 98 is filled with lessons on how to treat your enemies (turn the other cheek), forgiveness (as oft as they repent), retaliation & revenge (don't do it), and turning things over to the Lord ("And I the Lord will fight their battles").  All of this in one section and I had two more to go!

Section 99 has some good thoughts on the Law of Representation.  There is an awesome power to the words, "And who receiveth you receiveth me...", but if you remember from a previous post, 'With great power, comes great responsibility' (Uncle Ben from Spider-man)

Surely the Lord would give me a reprieve in Section 100.  My list of things to work on was getting quite long!  I was feeling pretty safe until verses 5-7 which talk about missionary work.

verse 5: lift up your voices, speak the thoughts that I shall put in your hearts.

verse 7: How to declare God's message:  in my (the Lord's) name; in solemnity of heart; in the spirit of meekness.

I was feeling a little overwhelmed by my inadequacies.  Then I came to verse 16, "For I will raise up unto myself a pure people, that will serve me in righteousness."

The footnote on the word "pure" says Peculiar people; purity.  This made me smile, I knew what a peculiar people really meant, "One's very own, exclusive, or special" (Bible Dictionary).  It makes me feel good to know that the Lord sees me that way, even with my inadequacies.  Besides, the verse says "raise up" which implies it happens over time. 

I think I got more than I bargained for with my prayer request today.  Maybe I put too much thought into it!  However, the fact that the Lord gave me verse 16 in Section 100 after pointing out all my issues, really helped me see that He loves me.  What a great example of correction followed with love.  Thank you Lord for all you've done for me today!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Following the Pattern

Day twelve

Today has been super busy, as I knew it would be, but also a good learning experience.  I started my day with a prayer, adding a special request for the Lord to be with me as I finalized the details of an activity I am in charge of for the youth and their families in my church.  I asked for the ability to discern those things that were really important from those that appeared important, but really wouldn't help me reach my goal.  I sometimes have a problem letting go!

Scripture study came next in Sections 94-97. The first two verses in Section 94 started my mind on the path of 'wait, I can't go any further until I understand how this relates to me.'  I figured it must be important because I couldn't let go. I must really need this!

94:1 talks about the commandment to "commence a work of laying out and preparing a beginning and foundation of the city of the stake of Zion...beginning at my house."

Now, I am not building an entire city, but I am working on a project that has to do with the Lord. I was starting to see where this could go.  So what would verse two have in store for me?

94:2 - "And behold, it must be done according to the pattern which I have given unto you."

The word pattern stood out to me.  What is the pattern of the Lord?  I was soon on a hunt to track down the pattern.  How could I follow the pattern if I didn't know what it was?

D&C 52:14 I learned that the Lord gives us a pattern in all things, that "ye may not be deceived."  If we follow the pattern we are protected from Satan.

D&C 115:14-16 Says if we don't follow the pattern the Lord gives us, he will reject what we are doing, if we do follow the pattern, then he will accept it.

This was great, but where was I to find the pattern?  I admit I was getting a little annoyed that the pattern wasn't spelled out for me. What is wrong with me?  Annoyed that I needed to work for an answer.  Good grief I can be so dense sometimes!  Where was my faith that it would all work out?  (Another rethink yourself moment!)

I went back to the scriptures a little more humble and searched through my scripture journal too, and what do you know, I started to find the answers.  In my journal, in my notes on Section 81, I found this:  The Lord's Way (Reveal-Prepare-Practice).  The Reveal part of my project had been given through prayer and church leaders. I was in the Prepare stage. 

Section 95:4 helped me with this.  "...the preparation wherewith I design...that I may pour out my Spirit upon all flesh-"   Sweet!  This is how I would discern the important from the unimportant. I would ask myself if it would invite the Spirit to be poured out.

I put my new found knowledge into Practice and the details seemed to fall into place. I would say that I actually saved time by searching the scriptures a little longer, instead of trying to decide what to drop and what to keep on my own.  (Another good lesson I need to remember!)

And then, to top it off, I started to think about applying these things to my everyday activities.  Would I change the things I did during the day if I stopped to think about inviting the Spirit?  Would I listen more carefully for revelation?  Would I be more apt to take action on the promptings?

So many lessons to learn in one day!  How grateful I am for these lessons; because of what I learned today, I was able to keep things in perspective and receive blessings.  What more could I ask for?!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm so Glad I did That

Day eleven

This morning I had one of those "I'm so glad I did that" moments.  I cherish these moments in my life, because, to be honest, they just don't happen often enough!  Or maybe they do and I just don't recognize them, but that's a thought for another day.

For years now my family has designated one night a week (usually Mondays) as family night.  We have played games, performed service, worked on projects and learned about the gospel on many of these nights.  As the boys grew older we all agreed that it would be beneficial to all of us if we took turns preparing the lessons and teaching.  I am of the belief that Christ doesn't underestimate our capacity, we shouldn't underestimate our children's capacity. 

Last night it was my oldest son's turn and he chose to teach a lesson based on D&C 84:64-73.  He did a great job. We took turns reading the verses, we had a good discussion, and we all had the opportunity to share some of the other verses in that section that we found interesting.  After that, we watched a DVD with uplifting messages in it.  I wanted to say, "And it was good." in an epic voice just to let my family know how much I enjoyed spending time with them.  Combined with family prayer, it was the perfect end to my day!

This morning when I said my prayers, I included a special thank you to the Lord for my family and our desire to learn about the gospel together, to teach each other.  I asked him to always keep that desire in our hearts and to remind me often of the importance of my family.  In consideration of my week, I asked him to please help me find a balance in all the things I do.

I think the saying goes, "Ask and ye shall receive."  The Lord is just too good to me.  My scripture study again led me to some interesting insights regarding my requests.

Today I was in Sections 90-93.  My thoughts today are focused on Section 93 verses 38-53.  These verses are counsel given to some of the Church leaders of that time, but I think that all parents could benefit from the message in these verses.  In basic terms the message is:  Parents don't blow it!

The Lord starts out in verse 38 with some great insight:  "Every spirit of man was innocent in the beginning; and God having redeemed man from the fall, men became again, in their infant state, innocent before God."  (We all start our lives in an innocent state)

v. 39 - "And that wicked one cometh and taketh away light and truth, through disobedience, from the children of men, and because of the tradition of their fathers."  (Satan comes along and tries to get us to disobey and will even use our family to get us to disobey.  I really don't like that guy!)

v. 40 - "But I have commanded you to bring up your children in light and truth."

The 'tradition of their fathers' statement made me stop and think:  Do I want to be held accountable for the traditions that stole from the light in my children?  That would be a big fat NO!  The reality is, I will be held accountable and that is when I had my "I'm so glad I did that" moment.  Our tradition of family night is helping me fulfill  the commandment to bring up my children in light and truth.  Yeah for team Clark on that one!

The rest of the verses are filled with counsel given to specific Church leaders, including the Prophet Joseph Smith.  This counsel includes:

v. 43 - "...set in order your own house..."
v. 44 - "...keep the commandments concerning children"
v. 48 - "Your family must needs repent and forsake some things, and give more earnest heed unto your sayings..."
v. 49 - "Pray always.."
v50 - "...see that they are more diligent and concerned at home..."

This is great counsel for any home to live by, and it seems so much more important in our time.  How different would the world be if all families took the time to follow this counsel?  A poor home life is at the top of the list of issues facing children in this generation.  The disintegration of the family is an epidemic, and it is clear who is behind this. Satan has been working on this for a long time.

I was touched that the brethren would include this revelation in the Doctrine and Covenants, even though they are rebuked personally, by name.  I appreciate their humility, because of it, I have the opportunity to learn from them. I don't know if I would be comfortable letting the world know the things I am doing wrong.

I am grateful for my "I'm so glad I did that" moment and for the opportunity to reflect on the ways my family can improve our protection against Satan.  I give a great big shout out to the leaders of the Church for promoting Family Home Evening in their General Conference talks.  They are great at reminding us of the counsel found in Section 93. With that in mind. here's to hoping for a spiritually stronger family and more of those "I'm so glad I did that" moments! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Peace Among the Chaos

Day ten

So I woke up this morning feeling pretty good until... I looked at the list of things I needed to accomplish this week!  Life stuff, work stuff, prep. stuff,  church stuff and the list goes on and on...  I sounded a little like Dr. Seuss there, that can't be good!  The wave of overwhelmingness (I made that word up) seemed to be growing. How was I going to keep it from crashing down on me?

First stop this morning, on my knees for a prayer.  I began by thanking the Lord for all the opportunities He is giving me this week.  Then I let Him know how overwhelming it all felt, and then I asked him to help me find peace among the chaos.  I asked Him to let me see His hand in these tasks and to focus on the positives and let go of the negatives.  I have to say I felt much better after having such a great conversation with the Lord.

Next stop was scripture study.  I am in Sections 88 and 89.

I need to take a moment here and just thank the Lord for His timing.  It has been such a blessing to find answers to my questions each day in the scriptures.  My testimony that he knows me personally and is watching over me has grown immensely with my focus on more meaningful prayers and scripture study.  It makes me wonder what I have missed out on in the past!

So, how do Sections 88 and 89 help me with my crazy busy schedule?  There is so much to share, but it would be a monstrously large blog post and no one would read it!  So here are just a few of my thoughts:

In Section 88 the Lord addresses the brethren as friends.  What does it mean to be a friend of Jesus Christ's?

John 15:14 gives us a great definition:  "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you."  I don't think Christ is being bossy here, I think he wants us to understand that the commandments he gives us are to help us get closer to him and the Father. 
John 15:15 helps us to understand where these commandments come from,"...but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you."

There are some amazing benefits to being a friend of Jesus Christ: 
v. 3 "...I now send another Comforter...that it may abide in your hearts...even the Holy Spirit of promise ..."
v. 6-7 "...the light of truth"..."This is the Light of Christ"
v11 "...the light through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings"

These are definitely benefits that I could use this week, comfort and understanding!  So to find peace among the chaos I need to keep his commandments and become a friend of Jesus Christ. I am on it! 

In 88:15 - the Lord states, "And the spirit and the body are the soul of man."  There are two parts to us.

Section 88 focuses on preparing the spirit part of us.  We learn a lot about Jesus Christ in this section and how we can become like Him. It talks a lot about the blessings of the celestial kingdom and the characteristics of those who have celestial bodies.   This led me to the thought:  I need to make sure I am spiritually prepared for this week.  He tells me how to do this in:

88:63- "Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me; ask and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

This is one of my all time favorite verses!  What a great outline He has given me, if I follow these steps, the challenges of this week could not possibly overwhelm me! 

Near the end of Section 88 in verses 124-126 the Lord gives us some advice about our physical bodies:

"Cease to be idle; cease to be unclean;...cease to sleep longer than is needful, retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated."

"...clothe yourselves with the bond of charity, as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace."  (I really liked this concept of wearing charity as with a mantle (coat), in other wards, be busy showing charity)

"Pray always, that ye may not faint until I come."  (This has actual saved me a time or two on Fast Sunday!)

This is a great lead-in to Section 89 and the word of wisdom which helps us discern the things we put into our bodies and much more.  Lesson learned:  take care of my body so that I have the energy and clarity of mind to accomplish all that I need to do.

Wow!  What a great study session, my attitude has changed from "overwhelmingness" to anticipation of being apart of these opportunities.  It is not chaos I see, but an opportunity to find peace.  Oh how I love the way the Lord works! 

There are many more treasures in Sections 88 and 89.  I would encourage you to read through them and find out what the Lord has in store for you.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Plea and a Promise

Day nine

I have been very blessed to be a part of the many programs focused on the youth in my church.  My service to the youth has given me the opportunity to serve those ages 18 months to 18 years and beyond. The culmination of all my experiences brought me to my opportunity to teach the high school-aged youth the scriptures every morning.  Needless to say, I have been a part of their lives for many years and have grown to love them as my own.

The problem with this is that you become such a part of their lives that their hurts and concerns become yours.  Their eternal salvation becomes personal, you can't bear the thought of loosing any of them to the world.  You no longer look at them as just teenagers, you start to see them as the Lord does; they are His children filled with endless potential. So my thoughts and prayers were focused on the youth today.

I prayed that they might be surrounded by those that love them and see them as the Lord does.  I prayed that they might remember who they are and that they are loved.  I prayed that they would feel the Lord's love for them and find the strength to fight temptations.  I prayed that they might have great examples of righteous people in the lives daily.

This was the lead-in to my scripture study.  As I read Sections 84-87 I could see how these sections had a lot of offer the youth. 

Here is my plea to the youth, please remember:

84:44 - " shall live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God."
v. 45 - "...the word of the Lord is truth...truth is light...light is Spirit, even the Spirit of Jesus Christ."
v. 47 - "...every one that hearkeneth to the voice of the Spirit cometh unto God"
v 61 - "...I [the Lord] will forgive you of your sins with this commandment -- that you remain steadfast in your minds in solemnity and the spirit of prayer, in bearing testimony to all..."
v 88 - "...I [the Lord] will go before ... I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in  your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up."
86:11 - "Therefore, blessed are ye if ye continue in my goodness..."
87:8 - "...stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come..."

Great effort is made by the world to destroy any confidence that you may have in the scriptures and in God.  I am here to tell you that He loves you and that the scriptures are filled with expressions of His love.  Please search the scriptures daily for a reminder of His love!

Here is my promise:  I promise you that if you read the scriptures daily your relationship with God will be strengthened, and your relationships with those around you will improve.  Your perspective will forever change and you will find comfort when you need it.  I know of no other item here on earth that can have such a positive effect on you.

I can make those statements because I know they are true.  The Spirit has helped me to recognize these blessings in my own life and my personal experiences have allowed me to be a witness to these blessings in others. 

To the youth I say I love you! You are always in my prayers and I am so grateful for all that you have taught me.  You are the leaders of the future not only in the world, but also in the Church.  You are the ones that will be teaching my grandchildren someday, please live your life so that they will have examples of righteousness in their lives too!    

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Prayers from the Heart

Day eight

Last night as I was waiting for my family to finish up whatever they were doing and gather for family prayer, I grabbed my scriptures and started reading.  A verse in Section 81 caused me to pause, it stated " prayer always, vocally and in thy heart..."(v. 3).  What does it mean to pray always in thy heart? I started searching the scriptures for an answer and in my search was led to a different thought, "If I prayed from my heart,  what would I really pray for?"

This is the thought that was with me as I fell asleep and it was still there when I awoke this morning.  My prayers this morning would need to be focused on the things that were in my heart.  I thought about the prayers I have said in the last week and the things that I had prayed for: guidance, forgiveness, blessings for my family, to name a few.  I realized that thoughts of my family are always in my heart. This led me to my next discovery...

Each day I pray that my family members will travel in safety and have a desire to have the Spirit with them.    I worry about there physical well being.  I think it's because of the the normal "what-if" worries of a wife and mother.  My husband commutes on a windy road and my sons travel in heavy traffic. What-if someone crashes into them? What-if the roads are icy?

Then a moment of clarity came, what about the spiritual damage that can happen each day?  Am I praying for the spiritual well being of my family?  I do pray that they will have a desire to have the Spirit with them, but is that enough?  Do I pray for them to have opportunities to have that happen?  Am I asking the Lord to help them discern the things of the world from the things that are spiritual?    

The message for me is: Spiritual protection for my family. 

This is the desire of my heart today, to know that my family is spiritually strong.  A knowledge of this would fill my heart with peace and joy.  If each member of my family was spiritually protected and was able to increase their love for the Lord, imagine the blessings not only for us, but for those around us.

I now had a better understanding of what a prayer from the heart would be and I got down on my knees and put it into practice. 

What would be your prayer from the heart?  Just some food for thought.


Friday, January 7, 2011

You Better Rethink Yourself!

Day seven

Some time ago, during the playful banter that goes on at my house, my husband made a comment to me and my response was, "You better rethink yourself!"  His response was not what I had hoped, he laughed and said, "What does that mean?"  To make it worse the boys were there and they thought it was pretty hilarious themselves.  The phrase "You better rethink yourself!" has become quite legendary at our house.  Well today I found that I needed to use that phrase on myself!  Oh the horror!

I started my day making a mental list of the things I needed to do...clean the house, get some groceries, pay some bills, etc.  My least favorite on the list would have to be pay the bills.  It seems that no matter what I do I always have to spend more then I can save.  I recently started praying for guidance when it came to paying the bills.  I figured the Lord knows more than me, so with His help we would be able to lessen our debt, save a little money, and feel good about the financial decisions that were being made.  The good news is, it is working, the bad news is, that I chose to do it last.  Why do I do these things?  I ask Him for help, then I postpone it? Can you see where this is leading?  Well it gets worse.

I did do my scripture study this morning, Sections 77-79, but the positive influence of the Spirit didn't last long.  Because I chose to pay the bills last, I moved on to the other chores.  I thought I would start with some laundry, then dust and vacuum, and then run some errands.  The down hill trip started with the laundry.  My first stop to gather laundry was in the boys bathroom.  I wasn't expecting there to be much laundry since the boys had been doing their laundry for the last two days, oh what a silly woman I am!  There on the floor, right next to the laundry hamper, was a pile of laundry to be washed.  That's right, on the floor next to the hamper! My mood began to change.  My attitude towards my chores was going from one of I don't mind this so much, to are you kidding me?  Vacuuming didn't go any better, think:  Who was eating on the couch and left crumbs?  Needless to say, I was quickly losing the Spirit or the ability to feel the Spirit.

I knew this was going in the wrong direction and I found myself hearing these words in my head, "You better rethink yourself!"  How was I going to rethink myself?  Then I started to think about something I had read in Section 78.  In verse 8 it states, " is expedient that all things be done unto my glory..."  Does that include chores?  It was obvious that I needed to go back to my scriptures.

As I read, some of the words from the verses really stood out to me:

verse 11 "...prepare and organize yourselves"
verse 13 "...this is the preparation wherewith I prepare you"
verse 17 " are little children, and ye have not as yet understood how great blessings the Father hath in his
                own hands and prepared for you"
verse 18 " cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along."
verse 19 "And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious..."

I was in awe!  The Lord really knows how to get me to rethink myself and he does it so beautifully.  With my spiritual attitude adjustment I was ready to face the day and whatever it might bring. 

I am very thankful for a God that loves me and is preparing me for glorious things and especially for a God that takes the time to let me know that He is with me and leading me along.  A Father who is not afraid to let me know when I need to rethink myself!  

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spiderman and the Christian

Day six

The other day my family was going through our DVD collection deciding which to keep and which to donate.  When we came across a Spider-man DVD it was placed in the donate pile.  Don't take this to mean that we don't appreciate Spider-man, we do, we just weren't thrilled with the movie's take on him.  In fact, two of my favorite quotes come from the Spider-man series:

"With great power, comes great responsibility."  Uncle Ben

"Not everyone is meant to make a difference.  But for me, the choice to lead an ordinary life is no longer an option." Spider-man

I like these quotes because I think they can be applied to Christians.  We should be asking ourselves questions like: What great power(s) do Christian's have?  And what is our responsibility to use them? Are we expected to save lives like a super hero?

As for the second quote, I think most Christians feel that the christian life is far from what the world deems ordinary.  And I have never agreed with the statement that "not everyone is meant to make a difference."  There is a purpose in all that God does and creates, including us.  The question to ask is, What difference am I supposed to make?
My prayers this morning were focused on being a better Christian.  As a youth, I received a blessing which  stated, "You are the only influence for Christ and good that some people will ever see in this life."  That one line has stood out to me over all these years.  I know that I have not always been a great example.  I have spent many prayers asking for forgiveness and for the blessings of wisdom and courage.

So off to the scriptures I went in search of the answers to my questions.  My studies yesterday took me through the first half of Doctrine and Covenants 76, so today I picked up with verse 50.  This half of the section covers the three degrees of glory visions which describe the Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial kingdoms.  I was pretty sure that the answers I was searching for I could find here. 

Question one:  What great power(s) do Christian's have?

Ultimately, we have the power to "receive all things from the Father" (vv. 55, 59); dwell forever in the presence of God and Christ (v. 62); and to become like them (v. 58).  These are the result of using our power(s) for good while here on earth, but what are the power(s) available to us here?

Here are some thoughts:

The power of a testimony of Jesus (v. 51)
The power in believing (v. 51)
The power of baptism (v. 51)
The power of receiving the Holy Ghost (v. 52)
The power of the atonement to have our sins washed away (v. 52)
The power of agency to choose to keep the commandments (v. 52)
The power to overcome by faith (v. 53) and to overcome all things (v. 60)
The power to become sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise (v 53)

I am sure there are many more, but I was beginning to see myself in a different light in just these few verses.  When I look at this list I start to see that there is a super hero inside me with some amazing powers!  Imagine what a person could do if they would only tap into these powers everyday, what a difference it could make not only in their lives, but in the lives of those around them. There lies the answer to our responsibility question:  I am supposed to use these powers to improve myself and those around me.  The phrase "those that received" is used throughout this section.  If I have already received these things shouldn't I be giving others the chance to receive them also?  The answer is YES!

This leads us to the next question:  Are we expected to save lives like a super hero?  The answer is obvious by now.  In reality it is not me or you that will save a person, that is left to the Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ, but we are to share what we know and give them the opportunity to be saved.

And last, but not least, we come to our last question: What difference am I supposed to make?  For me these means that I will always remember that I am the only influence of Christ that some people might see in this life and I should live my life with that in mind.  Luckily, I have a Father who loves me, a Savior that has atoned for my sins, and the Holy Ghost to guide me as I try to be a better christian.  With a team like that there is no way that this super hero will fail!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Finding My Place

Day five

One of my sons came to me last night to talk about some of his thoughts and concerns.  I was thrilled that even though he is an adult he would still come to talk to me about things.  He is at that point in his life where the decisions he makes now are in the "life changing" category.  I was feeling pretty good about our relationship and thought this was a great opportunity to give him some advice.  Let's just say it didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped.

I find myself in an interesting place in my life.  I am in transition from:  mom tell me what to do and I feel obliged to do it, to mom I really want to talk to you, but I don't necessarily want your advice and if you give it I don't know that I want to follow it.  How am I supposed to make a graceful transition from one to the other?

I admit I am finding it difficult.  I have not been a totally controlling parent. I believe it is important for my sons to have the opportunity to learn to make their own choices and to feel the consequences of their actions, no matter how painful that might be (for them and me).  There are rules in our house to keep the chaos of life to a minimum and things I ask my sons to do out of respect and consideration, but as they get older will they start to rebel against these things?

With those thoughts running through my head my morning prayers were focused on the question, How can I be what my family needs me to be at this time and do it in a graceful way?  There is no way I can do this without some help from above!  The Lord says ask and ye shall receive, so I asked and I'm in the receiving phase.

My scripture study today took me to Section 76 in the Doctrine and Covenants.  I have always thought of this section as the Three Degrees of Glory section, not really seeing any parenting advice in it.  Boy was I wrong!  This time as I read I choose to do it through the eyes of a parent.  Here are some of the thoughts that came to me:

The Lord gives us an example of a great teaching tool in this section; Compare and Contrast.  He leads us into this section talking about Jesus Christ the Son of God, then introduces us to Lucifer and the Sons of Perdition, given us the opportunity to compare and contrast these two and the consequences of following each one.

What does this have to do with my situation?  Maybe I should give less advice and instead ask the questions that would lead my son to compare and contrast the consequences of his actions.  Instead of, "you should pray about it" I could say, "Have you thought about how these actions would affect your ability to receive an answer to your prayers?" or "If you are searching for the Spirit to give you personal revelation how might your actions affect your ability to receive it?"

Verse 10 - "For by my Spirit will I enlighten them, and by my power will I make known unto them the secrets of my will--"

I learned today that part of my transition is to listen more and then to help them discover the answers for themselves.  This will take time, effort and patience on both sides, but if I compare and contrast the alternatives, I choose to follow the Lord's way, it has already been tested and proven to be effective!

Also I learned to appreciate Heavenly Father as a parent, he knows what it is like to struggle with a child.  Lucifer was once an angel of God who was in authority and he used his agency to rebel (D&C 76:25).  The scriptures tell us that the heavens wept over him (D&C 76:26).  Heavenly Father understands and within the scriptures has given us answers to help us in our own families, we just have to look at them through the eyes of a parent!

My situation is no where near the degree of Heavenly Father's and Lucifer's.  My son is a good person going through that 'testing of the gray area' phase.  I just want to be there for him when he needs me, and learning to find my place in his life is important to me!