Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Perfect Way

Day two hundred sixty-five

This morning I prayed for energy to make it through the day.  I have been working a lot of hours lately and things at home are always busy with projects and family time.  I feel like I just get one thing done and the next thing is right there waiting for me!  Energy and wise use of time, that's what I need today!

2 Samuel 22:33

It is 9:00 pm and I am just sitting down to write my post, that should tell you how my day was!  I had started to read my scriptures this morning, but ran out of time to write because I needed to leave for work.  But during my break I came across a verse in chapter 22 that made my day:

 "God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect." (2 Samuel 22:33)

Such hope, comfort, and peace this verse gave me today.  I think that is how David felt when he wrote it.  He is nearing the end of his reign and he is contemplative when he writes chapter 22.  How grateful I am that he wrote verse 33 so that I could feel the same way!

I kept this verse going through my head today and somehow the time flew by and I was able to accomplish what I needed too and more.  I knew that whatever I couldn't do myself the Lord would take care of it for me.  I think that is the 'perfect way', doing your best and then letting the Lord help when you need it.  He provided me with the strength physically, mentally and spiritually that I needed in order to follow the way that was laid before me.  He gave me both outward and inner power to be what I was called to be today.  And although it wasn't what many would consider a perfect day, it was the perfect way to spend my day. It was an amazing gift and an answer to my prayer.  I love that the Lord loves me so much! 

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