Sunday, August 28, 2011

Revelation: Thy Servant Heareth Part 2

Day two hundred thirty-one

It has been a busy and draining week.  I am looking forward to this Sabbath day and the opportunity to be refilled.  My prayer is that I will have my heart and mind open to the promptings of the Spirit and feel closer to the Lord today.  

1 Samuel 3:1-21
I am still working on personal revelation and what I have learned about it from the story of Samuel in chapter 3.  Today I want to start with verses 4-5.

Recognizing the Lord's Voice (vv4-5)
We learn in verses 4-5 that in this instance the Lord is speaking to Samuel in an audible voice.  This is one way in which the Lord reveals His will to us.  I have had a few experiences in my life when I thought that I had actually heard a voice guiding me, but they are the exception for me.  I have to admit that when it did happen I reacted much like Samuel, I looked to the person nearest me and asked them, "Did you say something?"  Samuel didn't recognize the Lord's voice and neither did I. 

The Voice with the Person
Why is it that we don't recognize His voice easily?  Maybe it is like Samuel's case and it is the first time this has happened to you.  You aren't sure what to expect the first time you have an experience, so it makes sense that Samuel didn't recognize the Lord's voice.  Think about all the people you see, but never speak to.  If they were to call you on the phone would you be able to place the person with the voice?  Samuel is learning to put the voice with the person.  We all have to learn this.

Who, Me?
Then there is the fact that we just can't believe that God would actually talk to us.  Samuel's time is described as "there was no open vision", there were no revelations.  We might feel that same way in our own lives, no revelation is coming.  It is difficult to overcome our 'Who, Me?' attitude.  Why would God choose to actually speak to us?  Those things only happen in the scriptures to prophets, right? 

God loves His children and the great thing about being a child of God is that He can talk to us!  In fact, He really wants to talk to us!  We are the one's that usually have the communication problem.  Receiving revelation, in all it's many forms, is meant for all God's children. 

Sending Help (v 7-9)
The Lord calls on Samuel 3 times and each time Samuel doesn't realize that it is the Lord (vv 4-8).  How many times has the Lord called on me and I haven't realized it?  I am sure more than 3 times.  Like Samuel the Lord often puts people in our lives that can help us recognize who is calling.  For Samuel it was Eli who let him know that he should reply next time he heard the voice with, "Speak Lord; for thy servant heareth."  We are blessed to have parents, friends, Church leaders, teachers, even sometimes complete strangers that the Lord can work through to help us learn to recognize His voice.  More often than not, the Lord answers my prayers or quest for knowledge through someone else.  I have even been that person for others.  It is a great reminder that we are all here to help each other, even when we are not aware of it.

The Lord's Patience (vv 4-14)
Did you notice that the Lord kept trying with Samuel?  He didn't give up on talking with him, He kept giving him the opportunity to recognize His voice.  He will do the same for us.  He will keep trying and putting those things that we need to help us in our lives so that eventually we get it.

The other side of this is that we need to follow the Lord's example and keep trying to listen so that His voice becomes familiar to us.  We need to have patience too and realize that it takes time for that familiarity to come.  How many times do you need to hear a person's voice before you can recognize it without seeing the person?  It is the same way with God.

Obedience Pays Off (vv 10-14)
When the Lord comes the fourth time Samuel is obedient to Eli's advice and he is finally able to hear the Lord's message.  This is a basic gospel principle: Obedience is the first law of Heaven (D&C 130:20-21).  We need to be obedient so that we are worthy to hear from the Lord. We are at our spiritual best when we are being obedient to the Lord.  Obedience takes sacrifice, long-suffering, patience, charity, love, and all the other attributes the Lord wants us to work on.  We are closer to God when we are obedient.

Last Thought 
In verses 19-20 we learn that Samuel remained righteous. So much so that the people knew that the Lord was with him and all the tribes recognized him as a prophet of the Lord.  What we do with our personal revelation is important.  It is given to us for a reason, to further our growth and the work of the Lord. 

This got me thinking (always dangerous),do people look at me and think that the Lord would talk with me? What reputation do I have as a Christian? Am I living my life in such a way that the Lord would want to talk with me?

I see some more areas to work on, but I also see opportunities to increase my ability to receive revelation from the Lord.  Studying this story has been filled with revelations of a sort for me.  It has become clearer to me that the Lord keeps tryng, but I am not always ready to listen.  He is willing, I just need to do my part.  I have a lot of work to do, but it will be so worth it!  

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