In the scriptures we read that when Christ looked over Jerusalem he wept and he wept when raising Lazarus (Luke 19:41, John 11:35). What does God weep for in our world today?
I think this video shows just a little of what makes God weep today.
I know that God is aware of these things, it would be hard not to be. I am painfully aware of them in my small part of the world. So how does God balance this negative? How does He keep from wiping us out and starting all over?
Here is a sample of the good in the world:
I think it is in moments like this that God is smiling, maybe even shedding tears of joy. It brings me joy to see people being good to each other, I imagine that it would do the same for God, but on a much bigger scale.
I think one part of learning to see the world through God's eyes is to be aware of the negative, it is a necessary part of the law of opposites, but not to ignore it. We can't live in a bubble where everything is great, we would never progress. We can be part of the solution and do the good that God would have us do.
Good will always prevail over evil, that is a truth. God believes that we will do our part to do good in the battle against evil. He presents us with opportunities each day to join him in giving hope to a world that also makes us weep. Our job is to recognize them and jump right in!
In every event, in every circumstance, we have a choice of perspective. Faced with difficulty, we can choose between disappointment and curiosity as our mind-set. The choice is ours. Will we focus on what we see as lacking or will we look for the new good that is emerging? In every moment, however perilous or sorrowful it may feel, there is the seed of our greater happiness, greater expansion, and greater abundance.
Julia Cameron
My goal today: Look for the opportunities for good in my day and take them!
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