Saturday, January 5, 2013

Attitude Building

How I did:  I had a good day yesterday, I didn't let things get to me and I tried to help others see the bright side of life. There were no special trips or surprises, yet I enjoyed my day for what it was and it seemed just perfect.  What made yesterday so much better than all the other days I have spent doing the same things?  I'm going to take a guess here: my attitude!  It made all the difference.

I wish I could bottle my good attitude and save it for those days when it isn't so great. Wouldn't it be nice to put a few drops in your drink and instantly your attitude would improve? (I could think of a few people that could use this on a daily basis!)   

Anyway, I thought I'd do a little more attitude building today to help keep up the positive trend.

Scripture:  Philippians 2:14

Do all things without murmurings and adisputings: 


Again and again and again, let us be reminded that it is not people or events outside us that cause us to be upset; only our own thoughts and attitudes can hurt us.

Gerald G Jampolsky, MD, and Diane V Cirincione

I love the word 'murmurings', it's just fun to say. Whenever I hear the word I think of the people murmuring against Moses, or the Jews murmuring against Jesus, or Laman and Lemuel murmuring against Nephi. Murmuring is never described in the scriptures as a good thing. The worst type of murmuring is against God.  In fact, the first definition in the Guide to the Scriptures states:  To grumble and complain against God’s purposes, plans, or servants. Yikes!

Murmuring is not a popular word in the world today, which is ironic, because there sure is a lot of it going on!    

Here's the deal, we can control our murmuring, grumbling and complaining, because we control our own thoughts and attitudes.  If I want to build up my positive attitude I need to control how much complaining I do. 

I came across this poster and thought it was awesome.  It appears I have found my goal for the day!

My goal today: No murmuring, grumbling or complaining about others, especially about what God is doing in my life. Focus on the solutions!

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