Friday, September 23, 2011

When God Says "No"

Day two hundred fifty-nine

There are some people in my life that I struggle with.  It seems that we may never see eye to eye and there is an awkwardness between us.  I prayed today that the Lord would be with me today and bless me with the words and actions needed to make a positive impact on the lives of those that I come in contact with.  I also prayed for blessings for those that I struggle with.  Please Lord let them know that you love them and that I love them too.  Let them know that it is okay to trust and reach out.  Instead of awkwardness let there be comfort and understanding.

2 Samuel 7
I would like to start with a story this morning:

In Scotland a family by the name of Clark had a dream: husband and wife with their nine children wanted to emigrate to the United States. To make that dream a reality, they struggled, scrimped, and saved. Finally they managed to accumulate enough money and obtain all the paperwork they needed to take the trip and begin a new life in a new land. Ship reservations were made and the family was ecstatic. Then, as often happens, tragedy struck. Seven days before they were to leave the youngest of the children, a little boy, was bitten by a dog. The bite wasn’t serious; the doctor stitched the lad up in no time at all. The tragedy was the doctor also had to hang a yellow sign on the Clark’s front door. The yellow sign warned everybody to stay away: there was a possibility, a very small chance, that the boy had contracted rabies from the bite of the unknown dog. Their ship was to sail in one week, the family was quarantined for two. They would have to stay behind as their ship, and their dreams, sailed into the sunset.   

The father, outraged at what he felt was an unjust, unfair hand that he had been dealt, went down to the pier to stare as the ship set out. Furious at God, frustrated with his son; he cried and he cursed. He stomped home in a foul mood. He stayed that way, too. Then only a few days after his vessel had left port he got word that on April 15th the very ship which was to have brought them to a new life, had been sunk. The Titanic had gone down. As it disappeared, it had taken with it the lives of over 1,500 passengers. Hearing that news, Mr. Clark’s attitude was instantly transformed. Excitedly, enthusiastically, eagerly, he hugged his son. Plainly, powerfully, and prayerfully, he thanked his God. Their lives had been spared. Their tragedy had been turned into a triumph.

Have you ever watched as your plans for your life have been shattered and broken? Have you wondered why God would refuse to allow you to see your dreams fulfilled? If so, you are not alone.  Many of us have had such disappointments and if we are lucky we eventually see the Lord's hand directing us through these experiences.  In 2 Samuel 7 we find King David going through his own "when God says "No"" experience.

This chapter opens with what were possibly the best days in the life of King David.  He was the King of Israel.  His nation was united and at peace.  David was enjoying a time of rest, after all the problems that he had been forced to endure.  This was a time to meditate and reflect on the blessings and the grace of God.  As David meditated on the Lord and the Law, a desire was born in his heart.  He wanted to build God a permanent dwelling place. 

Since the time the Tabernacle had been built during the days of Moses; God’s presence had dwelt in the Holy of Holies of that temporary building.  David wanted to give the Lord a proper, permanent place to manifest His presence. The only problem with this desire is that God said “No!” David’s reaction to God’s “No” is something we should all take to heart.

How God Says "No" (vv 4-17)
First I want to talk about how God says "No" to David.  He does not just shatter David's dream and walk away, instead He tempers his "No" with some very precious blessings.

Verses 8-11 - Instead of allowing David to give to Him; God turned everything around and gave to David.  He reminds David of His great grace in taking him from leading the sheep to being the King of Israel. Notice verse 9; God tells David that He has made him a celebrity!  Everybody knows who David is.  David is reminded that he has been made the partaker of God’s rest, God’s peace, God’s victory and God’s power.

Verses 11-15 - David had a desire to build a house for the Lord; but God tells David that He  is going to build David a house (v. 11).  In verses 12-15 the terms of the Davidic Covenant are given.  God promises David that he will have a son.  This son will walk with the Lord and he will be treated as a son by God.  He will be established in his kingdom and he will be chastened when necessary.  God tells David that this son will build a house for God! Surely these promises brought peace to the heart of King David.

Verses 16-17 - God is saying, “David, you want to build me a house, but I am telling you that I am going to build your house.  I will establish your throne forever!  What a promise!

Sometimes God says "No" to our plans, but when He does it is not to defeat or discourage us.  He does it because He has something far better than we could ever imagine planned for us!

Why was David able to receive these promises so plainly?  Maybe it has something to do with David's response and where his heart is.

David's Response (vv 18-29)
Humble - Notice what David did.  In verse 18, he went in and “sat down before the Lord” and he acknowledged the fact that he was unworthy of such a blessing.  In verse 19-22, David praised the Lord for His blessings, His grace and His wonderful love for His children.  David, the mighty king, assumed the place of a humble child before the presence of the Lord.

Praise -  Even though David did not get his way in the matter, he was willing to accept God’s plan for his life.  His words are filled with praise for God.  Unlike some folks who pout when they do not get their way, David just praised the Lord because He trusted God to know and to do that which is best all the time!

Accept - David accepts God’s promises and acknowledges God’s ability to bring them all to pass. In his prayer, David reveals a heart that is willing to accept God’s plan, even though it is not what he originally wanted to do. The thrust of David’s prayer in verses 27-29 is “thy kingdom come, thy will be done.  No wonder David is called “a man after God’s Own heart.

Our Response
What should our response be when God says “No”?  We should first remember that we are who we are and have what we have because of Him.  We should assume the place of a humble child before His presence and trust Him to do that which is best. Our goal in life should not be to reach our dreams; but to see His perfect will carried out in our lives.  

We have to remember that sometimes we will not see our dreams fulfilled and we have to let go and move on.  We have to be willing to adopt God's plan as our own.  The great thing is that when that happens, we will get to see all our dreams come true!

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